Saturday, February 20, 2010

I learned two new words this week, both pertaining to my current work (or the people I learned these words from say so).

Ovidio to me (paraphrased from memory) -

Ovi: 'Your work has a certain level of fecundity, especially if you......blah blah blah' (I quit listening here because I was intrigued, shocked and in love with this new idea what it means)
Me: 'Excuse me? What was that word again? Fecunt? Awesome!!!'
Ovi: 'No, no...fecundity meaning fertile, growing, like bacteria....'
Me: 'Wow! Thanks Ovi!'

Now to look it up...and listen to it (my favorite part)
Main Entry: fe·cund
Pronunciation: \ˈfe-kənd, ˈfē-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin fecundus — more at feminine
Date: 15th century

1 : fruitful in offspring or vegetation : prolific
2 : intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree

fe·cun·di·ty \fi-ˈkən-də-tē, fe-\ noun

Prolific, feminine, fruitful, inventive, fertile....what a wonderful word - top 5!

Megan to me (paraphrased from memory) -

Megan: 'That looks like a giant grandma's vagina'
Me: ' Really? You think so? Not quite what I was going for, but I will take it.'
Megan: 'So, my sister just wrote a paper on Islam - (serious paraphrasing) - the idea of the burqa covering the female form because she her entire body is seen as a external manifestation of her genitalia. There is this word...pundenta, punta, pudendal....'
Me: 'What is that word again?'
Megan: ' is amazing that a woman could be seen as a giant, walking pudendal - I think that is the word.'

Time to look it up -

Main Entry: pu·den·dum
Pronunciation: \py-ˈden-dəm\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pu·den·da \-də\
Etymology: New Latin, singular of Latin pudenda, from neuter plural of pudendus, gerundive of pudēreto be ashamed
Date: 1634

: the external genital organs of a human being and especially of a woman —usually used in plural

pu·den·dal \-dəl\ adjective

- especially of a woman and coming from the Latin: to be ashamed

Me: 'Well, I will take the of feminine origin and the external genetaila part.....shove the ashamed part!'

Then begins a conversation about men/women gaze, sexual power, eroticism and ends with a bucket of penises somewhere in the Vatican.

So, two new words this week - Fecundity and Pudendal - to which I say, Juicy!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! The theme of "to be or not to be pregnant" that we talked about in studio visits last term infuses, roils, impregnates your work... on conscious and unconscious levels most likely. I am looking forward to our meeting on Monday.

    I keep thinking about the Hills Snyder studio visit-- him asking what that ceramic bunny is doing sitting there in the corner. It didn't hit me until later, when I was driving home, that he was in his playful way trying to allude to the fact that the rabbit is a prime symbol of fertility and procreation. Did you get that too?
