Saturday, February 20, 2010

I learned two new words this week, both pertaining to my current work (or the people I learned these words from say so).

Ovidio to me (paraphrased from memory) -

Ovi: 'Your work has a certain level of fecundity, especially if you......blah blah blah' (I quit listening here because I was intrigued, shocked and in love with this new idea what it means)
Me: 'Excuse me? What was that word again? Fecunt? Awesome!!!'
Ovi: 'No, no...fecundity meaning fertile, growing, like bacteria....'
Me: 'Wow! Thanks Ovi!'

Now to look it up...and listen to it (my favorite part)
Main Entry: fe·cund
Pronunciation: \ˈfe-kənd, ˈfē-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin fecundus — more at feminine
Date: 15th century

1 : fruitful in offspring or vegetation : prolific
2 : intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree

fe·cun·di·ty \fi-ˈkən-də-tē, fe-\ noun

Prolific, feminine, fruitful, inventive, fertile....what a wonderful word - top 5!

Megan to me (paraphrased from memory) -

Megan: 'That looks like a giant grandma's vagina'
Me: ' Really? You think so? Not quite what I was going for, but I will take it.'
Megan: 'So, my sister just wrote a paper on Islam - (serious paraphrasing) - the idea of the burqa covering the female form because she her entire body is seen as a external manifestation of her genitalia. There is this word...pundenta, punta, pudendal....'
Me: 'What is that word again?'
Megan: ' is amazing that a woman could be seen as a giant, walking pudendal - I think that is the word.'

Time to look it up -

Main Entry: pu·den·dum
Pronunciation: \py-ˈden-dəm\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pu·den·da \-də\
Etymology: New Latin, singular of Latin pudenda, from neuter plural of pudendus, gerundive of pudēreto be ashamed
Date: 1634

: the external genital organs of a human being and especially of a woman —usually used in plural

pu·den·dal \-dəl\ adjective

- especially of a woman and coming from the Latin: to be ashamed

Me: 'Well, I will take the of feminine origin and the external genetaila part.....shove the ashamed part!'

Then begins a conversation about men/women gaze, sexual power, eroticism and ends with a bucket of penises somewhere in the Vatican.

So, two new words this week - Fecundity and Pudendal - to which I say, Juicy!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Need to Transcribe

Well I said I would not do it and here I have gone and done that is. It really comes down to practicality - typing versus writing, a convenient location for all my rambles (the computer) versus a notebook which is falling apart from over use.
I caved.
Now I need to transcribe all the writings I have thus done in my dilapidated notebook, re-visit the ramblings and figure out if the t is really a f. Take a look at the pages in which I quickly wrote ideas down and see if anything makes sense. What if it doesn't? Then the need to transcribe becomes a need to re-write.
I caved.